The Pan-African Theatre Ensemble (The PATE)
Theatre Practice-as-Research
Artistic Director: D. Amy-Rose Forbes-Erickson
"I am so glad to see the fine work you are doing on behalf of our students and the university.
Your artistry and activism are appreciated, especially now. Great show!
Proud to call you colleague!" -- Daniel Nadon, Professor of Theatre, School of Theatre and Dance,
Kent State University, Kent, Ohio - Venus Production, March 2017

The [Pan-African Theatre Ensemble] always puts on distinctive productions, and The Purple Flower is no exception. This play should be seen for its unique and nuanced writing, themes and elements of production. Ashlynn Thompson, The Burr, March 2018
Projection Designs for Digital Masks to Africa - Cheikh Anta Diop: Poem for the Living
Based on Mwatabu Okantah's epic poem - Cheikh Anta Diop: Poem for the Living
Devised/Directed by D. Amy-Rose Forbes-Erickson
Projection Designs by D. Amy-Rose Forbes-Erickson
Photos by Mark Horning
First performed - March 7, 2019 at Kent State University
To be performed at the Fringe Festival in Edinburgh, Scotland on Aug. 3, 5, 6, 7, 2019
ISee pdf of theatre program here:
Cast & Crew from left: Emmett Drugan (lighting), Cari Craig (costumes), Mike Esekwen (cast), Dr. Deana Thomas (cast), Yayra Tamakloe (cast), Professor Mwatabu Okantah (poet for the piece), Sri Varshani Raghujie (cast), Huda Alhamed (cast), Madison Ledyard-King (cast), Dr. D. Amy-Rose Forbes-Erickson, (Director/Designer), Dr. Babacar M'Baye